Sunday, February 13, 2005

Caja at Flora Day 2000 Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 12, 2005

We have a Life

Come on girls - lets show the world through this Blog that just because women are suffering Post Natal Illness, does not make them boring gits with no life!

We have a life , we have families, we have views, many of us have jobs or vocations and we are all great people, some of us even have a sex life -shall we try to share some of our 'other lives' here?

Wendy' Children

I Said She Was Small!

Caja In the Cats Basket age 3ish

Friday, February 11, 2005

Lets have some fun

Yes we have or have had PNI. But this is not all we are about, it is not all of our lives.

Lets have some fun here.

This blog is where you can share stuff you would not on the forum at

Some where for off topic stuff and well - just a bit of fun.

You can have a rant too
Lets party!