i'm going to get this across my back as a tattoo. i love this pic so much, i didnt like charlie when it was done, but now i love him to bits.... he's my little boy!

charlie-graeme at new year. he was scared sh*tless of the poppers, but loved the tangly bits afterwards lol!

another favourite pic of charlie-graeme, he looks soooooooooooo much like his natural dad in this one tho.....

this is us yesterday,charlie-graemes nearly as tall as me already and he's not even 2 yet!!! (seriously, he comes up to stomach level on me!) and he weighs nearly as much, he's 3 stone, i'm 5 stone!!!

this is the wonderful view from my back door at the moment. picturesque isn't it?! all of this concrete stuff will be decking on day...... i hope!

back garden again, i've been digging this bit over and over now for nearly 3 weeks, i couldn't afford any bricks for the wall (thats going along the bottom of this pic) so been trying desperately to stay interested!

more back garden, after a night of "breezy showers" (thats what they said on the telly anyway! i didnt put the bin like that.... the breezy showers did it!!!

and this one's jaime-leigh when she was about 4 weeks old. thats my hand in the pic, and my hands are REALLY tiny... gives you a real impression of how small she was (and still is). she was 2lb 15oz at birth and she weighed in at 9lb 1oz last week at her check up. the nappy in this pic is a baby born nappy (those dolls! )
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