Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Photos of our Christmas - shoot the photographer!

Hi Everyone

I used to pride myself on my ability as a photographer but if my attempts to photograph us this Christmas are anything to go by - then I have lost my touch - or perhaps its my new camera?

Anyway here is my attempt - I thought I'd better post it before I went into hospital.

This is Caja:

Here is my sister, she is about 15 years younger than me and works as a PR in the IT industry. She used to work at Microsoft as a PR for MSN and now has just got a new job with Cisco - a big IT company.

All our family feel it is ironic that while we all are into IT she ( and my older brother John does OK by it too ) is the only one of us to have made money from it and yet while the rest of the family are quite skilled and have IT qualifications - she is a computer illiterate!!!!

Well not quite and she would be very offended that I said that really - but she is a PC user only and knows little else than how to use them, while I have an HND, and our two brothers did programming at uni and one has a PHD in IT - yet she is the one with the job for BIG IT companies??

Here is my sister and me - as usual I HATE my p
hoto - new years resolution, once I get over my operation do something about my weight and fitness!!!!

I look huge compared to my family. I know others say I am not big and no I am not that big compaired to most of my friends, as we are all about the same size give or take a pound or too, but my family are all so slim and small so I feel like a whale when I am next to them .

Which is not at all good when Barry and I are having a bit of a cuddle etc - he is so slim compared to me it makes me feel huge.......

I am sure you can see what I mean when you look at the size of my family compaired to the size of me! I hope you do nto think I am self obsessed to care about this ?

But to redress the size difference in bed a the very least - I vow to get at least a little slimmer.

Here is the only one I managed to get of Barry

See you all after I come out of hospital

Love to all
