Thursday, March 23, 2006


Our management meeting 22/03/06

Some of the management waving hello to you all in the kitchen after the meeting!

Last night we had a management meeting for PNI ORG UK, we have to have at least 3 a year according to our constitution.

I thought it might help you all to put a face to the mysterious management committee to see some photographs of them as on the whole theywill not post on the forum. Partly because this will help to keep objective and have an overview of the organisation. They are contibuting ro PNI ORG UK in a different way from those of us who work on the forum. But this is still a very valuable and supportive role to the work of PNI ORG UK.

We made last nights meeting into something of a little get together with eats and tea after the meeting

It was my intention to take a few photographs of us all throughout the evening but unfortunately I could not find my camera until the meeting was over and I think some had already left, so I only have about 3 reasonable photographs I can show you and not everyone is in them. I will try again for next time we meet.

Most of mangement have known me for at least 10 years and some much longer. A couple also knew me when I was ill and some such as Sandy and Heather were around when I was really suffering badly from PNI

Sandy was a member of the playgroup Caja and I went to and both Sandy and I shared a love of riding with Heather and I would often ride with them and take our childen riding - for us riding was our big escape - one of our ways of coping and getting away from our concerns, was via our involvement with horses. we were never 'posh' riders or part of the hunting etc - I used to call us 'The Rough Riders'

Above is Apollo the dog, Barry, Heather, Emma, Geraldine and Sandy drinking tea after the meeting.

All the management members, except Caja! have at least one child and many have experienced PNI to some degree, but not all have.

This is Bee who currently lives with us

in the Caravan and is a member of our

management committee, she has a little

boy aged 5.

At the edge of the frame is Katlin, one of Emma's daughters.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bionic Leg

I said I would post a picture of my amazing new removable cast - its called an 'aircast' and it is therapeutic in that it helps preserve bone and stops the muscles wasting as they might if I wore an ordinary cast for too long.

Anyway I thought I might as well start from scratch with a picture history of my leg decorations since my accident in 2003

Left is the original and horrible Ilizarov Frame/External Fixator

I wore for nearly a year

- horrible really!

I was going to say do not show your children but I found that children are actually often fascinated by it. It was the adults who fainted!

Then I had my ankle fused to my leg in January and this is the lovely pink cast I had at first.

And below is me when I was abandoned in a car park by Barry the other day when we were out - he did collect me eventually - what do you think of my matching my clothes and hair colours to my cast?

Well you have to try!!

I now have this amazing boot thing - which I will now wear for some time . Its an amazing item. The tubes are to pump air into special support sacks, they gave me a pump and full instructions!

Whatever will I have to wear next!