Bionic Leg
I said I would post a picture of my amazing new removable cast - its called an 'aircast' and it is therapeutic in that it helps preserve bone and stops the muscles wasting as they might if I wore an ordinary cast for too long.
Anyway I thought I might as well start from scratch with a picture history of my leg decorations since my accident in 2003
Left is the original and horrible Ilizarov Frame/External Fixator
I wore for nearly a year
- horrible really!
I was going to say do not show your children but I found that children are actually often fascinated by it. It was the adults who fainted!
Then I had my ankle fused to my leg in January and this is the lovely pink cast I had at first.
And below is me when I was abandoned in a car park by Barry the other day when we were out - he did collect me eventually - what do you think of my matching my clothes and hair colours to my cast?
Well you have to try!!
I now have this amazing boot thing - which I will now wear for some time . Its an amazing item. The tubes are to pump air into special support sacks, they gave me a pump and full instructions!

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