Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I met up with Elaine Hanzak Yesterday

Hi Everyone

Here are the photos of our walk on the beach after our meeting for lunch.

Here is Elaine
She looks great doesnt she ?

This is from left to right: Barry ( my husband) Caja ( my daughter) Elaine, Dominic ( Elaine and Nick's Son) and Nick ( Elaine's Husband ) and my dog Apollo. Barry does not need the stick , for some reason he was holding it for me!

This is a group with me in it - I do not like me in photos.. but I think we are all the same about this really

Anyway it was lovely to meet Elaine and her family


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Ok, so life before PNI?

Hiya girlys,
Ok, so what was your life like before PNI?

I enjoyed seeing my friends, I loved shopping, and of course is part of my daily life, I love singing and I love music of all kinds. I enjoyed going to the theatre, Les Miserable is one of the most amazing musicals I have ever seen in my life! I've seen it in most theatres in the country and a total of 17 times. I have a Les Mis T shirt and CD and DVD and somewhere I've got the sheet music! I love it, especially the performance with Micheal Ball as Marius....ooooo I'd like to play his wife if you catch my meaning! lol
I was writing a lot before PNI struck, I love writing and have written many poems and short stories, not necessarily to be published, but just for the love of writing.
I moved to Liverpool to be with Alan, my boyfriend, and I love him very much. I like cooking, although I am a very fussy eater and will sit watching the cookery programs saying 'I don't like that' or ' I wouldn't eat that' Alan quite often asks me why I watch them! But I enjoy them!
I found my Dad two years ago, after 17 years of not knowing him (I was 3 when he left, for reasons of his own) and that is amazing, we are still getting to know each other and settling into the way of having a dad and him having a daughter!
I was working as a teaching assistant working with children with severe special needs, which I loved. My dream is to be a teacher, but I am waiting until the girls are a bit older, because I'm not sure I could cope with the work load and the children.

Sorry, I tend to get carried away! lol I'll stop now, I think i can smell my tea burning!

Well I am going to be brave - this is me

Hi All

To get the ball rolling I am going to be brave - I HATE photos of me but I am going to post some here. As I would love to see what you all look like. ( but no pressure, I realize that many of you might not want to publish your image on the web and this is fine) Some of them will be ones you have seen before as I do not have many taken - but I will try to include some new ones too.

Here is the one I had taken for the observer colour mag article. see,,1123963,00.html I hate this pic as it makes me look very harsh - which I am not - as I had short hair and this does not suit me . And to make it worse it was a whole colour mag page spread!! UGH!

But here is one I took myself just now and basically now I come to think of it I prefer the one by the professional photographer!!

As I look harsher here - must be the red hair - But I'm determined not to grow old graciously! Red is better than grey!


This is Squidgey GJ

And this is GJ! Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen!? Awww my ickle squidge.


This is Thea, my ickle baby girl!
Isn't she soooo beautiful?

Monday, October 17, 2005

Hiya everyone

Wow, doesn't this look posh!
Well done Veritee!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Please Join me here

This is Barry.

My long suffering husband - he is looking great considering he is 53 ( well I like him anyhow!)

- but he stays slim because he works at sea in very bad conditions - often over 100 degrees F - in an engine room on a ship. I tell him that doing this sort of work that keeps him slim and fit will probably lengthen his life, but he does not seem to get any comfort from this!

This is Caja, at Falmouth Harbour in the summer - Who is now 16 and a rather nice girl really! The trouble is she hates her photo taken and is trying to be a goth, and this was also a bad day when she had a cold and was feeling ill - so the combination makes her look like a really bad tempered, fed up teenager - but take my word for it I'm her mum - she's lovely really!

Hi to everyone

I have not used this Blog for a while - I created it for women who have PNI or have had PNI to have a bit of an offload or to share pictures of their children or to share anything else that they feel does not belong in our Post Natal Illness support web site at or our forum at

No one has used it really but I am hoping it will catch on as this could be a really nice way of sharing our photos etc
I hope you will join me here?

If you want me just email me at and entitle your email ' pni blog' and I will send you a link and instructions so you can join and post photos and whatever else you would like to add to the blog

All the best
